Help Increase Awareness About ElderĀ Abuse

Make a contribution to support the work of IMPACT PSA


Please say "Yes!"

As a nonprofit organization, most of IMPACT PSA's funding must come from donations from individuals, foundation grants, and corporate underwriting.

We invite you to make a tax-deductible donation by mail. We honor your privacy and do not share, rent, or sell our donor and mailing lists.

Opportunities for Giving

• General Support

• In Memoriam Contribution:
Honor the memory of a family member, friend, or friend's family member. We will send an acknowlegment card.

• Gift In Honor Of:
Salute a friend or loved one; commemorate a special occasion, such as retirement, graduation, marriage, promotion . . . We will send an acknowlegment card.

• Project Support or Special Appeal
You can designate Your contribution to support specific projects.

If you want to make an Anonymous Gift, check that preference in our Donation Form.


To Donate:

Open this Donate by Mail PDF file. print it, and fill it out. Then email to get our mailing address. Thank you!


IMPACT PSA Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
All contributions are tax-deductible as allowable by law.

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